Secure, Reliable 24/7 Medical Answering Service

Professional medical answering service providers of high quality are difficult to locate. If you’re a medical or healthcare professional, you are likely in a bustling, successful practice, with the phone lines ringing throughout the day. Although it’s excellent to provide extraordinary care to many patients, managing this many clients and calls takes work. And it isn’t easy that your practice remains open all the time.

We can help you with that. We are Back Office Admins; we provide 24-hour on-call and after-hours answering services for medical offices and practices of any size. When we refer to “on-call,” we mean it.

The virtual service for medical answer agents is available at night, on weekends, on holidays, and on weekends. They’re trained to handle all your phone answering requirements, from simple phone calls for patients to full-blown medical emergencies.

However, when answering patient calls services, the ability to be professional is just the first step. Medical offices’ responding staff is reliable and compassionate. They understand what it is to speak to someone to ask for assistance regarding a query. They’re friendly, knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and ready to meet your particular needs for phone or message. 

As one of the industry’s most reputable medical office answering services since 2015, we’ve got more than seven years of expertise in what we do best. Our systems have been operating at 99.998 percent effectiveness. For busy medical professionals, there’s nothing better than being assured by working with a trusted service provider committed to high-quality and reliable technology.

Your Patients Will Notice

While you’ll undoubtedly reap the benefits of using our answering services for doctors, Your patients will also be rewarded. In the end, if a patient calls your medical office, most likely, it’s because there is something wrong. However, this doesn’t mean every call is an emergency; however, there’s some kind of issue that needs to be addressed.

Sometimes, calls are to make an appointment for the next day. Other calls could be to inquire about a medical invoice. Some calls could be personal; a patient would prefer to speak with a physician. Whatever the reason for the call, our medical answering service will respond to each call appropriately.

It’s not an issue that the patients would like to feel that they are being taken well. This is the case whether their condition is critical or just routine. They would like to hear from them and ensure their needs are addressed. With an answering service for medical offices service, you can rest assured that you will have your clients pleased.

This is particularly relevant for after-hours calls. It is only possible to answer the phone during the day. We recognize that a time-to-work balance is crucial. There will be instances when your patients need to contact you and you’re away from the office.

However, these calls should be recovered. With an after-hours on-call answering system for the medical office, you won’t miss them.

A satisfied patient means that they will return to your practice. It is also likely that your clients will recommend your course to acquaintances and relatives. If your patients feel they are treated with respect, they will tell others about their experiences. This is the only positive outcome for the medical clinic you run.

More Efficient for You

It is a fact that a virtual receptionist can reduce the burden that your workers have to handle, which will make your company more efficient. If someone has to answer the phone constantly, they take away their everyday responsibilities. Inbound calls happen, and the volume of calls is generally excellent. If it hinders workers from doing their job or work, it’s time to look into medical answering services.

While your employees are at work, they must be fully engaged. If someone is required to go to answer the telephone each time it rings, they are distracting them and affecting their productivity. With an answering service for physicians, it doesn’t have to be the situation. Your employees will be able to remain focused, clients can get their calls answered, and efficiency will be increased all around.

Leading The Way In 24/7 Medical Answering Services

As a market leader for more than five years, we understand that having a reliable phone answering service plays an essential role in your capacity to provide better service and improve the quality of life for patients. This is why we take on the work we do. To help you better serve your community.

Smiling Faces That Care

We don’t need to say that treating your patients with respect and dignity is vitally important. Our medical office answering team members are attentive to the needs of your patients, compassionate, and committed to providing them with the care they expect and deserve. Each medical office answering agent is skilled, trained, and knowledgeable in communicating with patients.

Medical Office Virtual Answering Service

A Medical Office Virtual Answering Service is a remote solution that handles calls from medical practices and healthcare professionals. It’s a virtual solution, meaning it’s not physically located in the medical office but can provide support via the Internet. This is a service designed to enhance communication between patients, streamline administrative tasks, and improve the overall experience for patients.

Key features and benefits of a Medical Office Virtual Answering Service may include:

  1. Appointment Scheduling: The virtual answering service can schedule and manage appointments on behalf of the medical office. This can help reduce the workload of front desk staff and ensure accurate scheduling.
  2. 24/7 Availability: Many virtual answering services offer round-the-clock availability, ensuring that patients can reach the office even outside of regular business hours. This is particularly useful for emergencies and urgent medical concerns.
  3. Patient Triage: Trained professionals at the virtual service can assess the urgency of patient inquiries and direct them to the appropriate medical personnel. This helps prioritize care and can lead to faster response times for critical cases.
  4. Call Routing: Calls can be directed to the relevant department or healthcare provider based on the nature of the call. For instance, calls related to billing can be routed to the billing department, while medical inquiries can be routed to medical professionals.
  5. Message Taking: The service can accurately record and relay messages from patients to the medical office staff. This ensures that no important information is lost and that patients receive timely responses.
  6. Multilingual Support: Some services offer multilingual capabilities, catering to a diverse patient population and ensuring effective communication with non-English-speaking patients.
  7. Reduced Workload: By outsourcing call handling to a virtual service, the medical office staff can focus more on patient care and core medical activities.
  8. Cost Savings: Using a virtual answering service can be more cost-effective than hiring additional in-house staff to manage phone calls.
  9. HIPAA Compliance: Reputable medical office virtual answering services adhere to strict privacy and security regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), to safeguard patient information.
  10. Customization: Services can often be tailored to the specific needs of the medical practice, ensuring seamless integration with existing workflows.

When selecting a Medical Office Virtual Answering Service, choosing a reputable provider with a strong healthcare communication and compliance track record is essential. It’s also advisable to consider the service’s technology platform, training procedures, and reviews from other medical practices using their services.

A Medical Office Virtual Answering Service can enhance patient communication, improve operational efficiency, and contribute to a positive patient experience.


Is a Medical Office Virtual Answering Service suitable for all types of medical practices?

Yes, a Medical Office Virtual Answering Service can benefit various types of medical practices, including clinics, hospitals, dental offices, and specialty practices. It’s particularly useful for practices seeking improved patient communication and administrative efficiency.

How do I choose the right Medical Office Virtual Answering Service for my practice?

When choosing a service, consider factors like their track record in healthcare, technology platform, security measures, reviews from other practices, and how well their offerings align with your practice’s specific needs.

Can the service integrate with our existing appointment scheduling system?

Yes, many virtual answering services can integrate with your existing appointment scheduling system, ensuring seamless coordination and accurate appointment management.

What happens during after-hours when the medical office is closed?

A Medical Office Virtual Answering Service operates 24/7, so it continues to handle calls and messages after regular business hours. This ensures that patients can reach the office, even during emergencies.

How quickly can a virtual answering service be set up for a medical practice?

The setup process varies, but reputable providers often have streamlined onboarding processes. It’s advisable to inquire about the estimated setup time when considering a specific service.

Using a Medical Office Virtual Answering Service can revolutionize how medical practices manage patient communication, allowing them to provide more efficient, personalized, and patient-centered care.


In the fast-paced world of healthcare, effective communication is crucial for providing quality patient care. A Medical Office Virtual Answering Service offers a dynamic solution to streamline communication, enhance patient experiences, and alleviate administrative burdens. By providing 24/7 availability, appointment scheduling, patient triage, and other tailored features, this service empowers medical practices to focus on what matters most – delivering exceptional care to their patients.

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